perjantai 10. helmikuuta 2012

In this blog we will come up with e-Commercal ideas for Gaia Travels. At the moment they are using at least Facebook. Gaia travel is a travel agency that provides holidays in Italy (e.g. in Toscany, Sicily). They have many good services to offer. They rent accomodation for 2 to 26 people and provide booking service for b&b places and hotels also.

Besides accommodation they offer many kinds of extra services. They organize City tours to Rome, Firenze and Siena and to Toscanys Etruschan cities. They also offer wine tastings
and cooking courses at your villa. And of course they offer rental cars, transport to/from the airport, cheaper flights, guiding services and transport to/from airport so you don´t have to worry about finding to the villa on your own.

These package options include many things from wedding in Italy to Golf trips. And for wine lovers beside tastings they offer vintage trips and tours around wineyards in Toscany in which you can pick grapes yourself and visit wineyards. For artistic souls there is package trip in which you will have a opportunity to paint in Lucca. And if you like carnivals like La Maggiolata, the carnival package might be the one for you.

As you can see Gaia travels has a lot to offer to different kinds of people. And as I already said, in this blog we will come up with new electronic ways to market Gaia travels to their target groups :)

Please go and check out Gaia Travels' own webpages:

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