perjantai 16. maaliskuuta 2012

Using Google services

Google is one of the best known search engines in the world and actually in Finland there are over 30 000 searches every hour. That's why it would be important also for Gaia Travels to use Google services as a marketing and promotion site. When looking at the results of the Google Insights for Search about Gaia Travels it's good to know that there is some activity on their site and people are using Google to find out more. From the statictics you can see, though, that all the searches come from Finland even though they have office also in Italy. So there's a place for improvement. You can also see that there are more searches during the Spring and Summer when the holidays are ending.

Google is a great way to market your business and when typing the words "talo Italiassa (home in Italy", "loma Italiassa (vacation in Italy)", Gaia Travels is quite high placed among the results which is a really good thing of course. But when typing the words "lennot Italiaan (flights to Italy) Gaia Travels doesn't exist in the results and that's where they should also be highlighting themselves. But though some words gave the wanted results of being on the first page of the results, there was no highlighting in the ads. So it might be that person who has never heard about Gaia Travels before can easily skip the site especially because the name of the company doesn't sound like a Finnish one. So making even more ad words which will show up better would definately raise the interest about the Gaia Travels website.

One thing also is to use the Google Maps. Because Gaia Travels has so many beatiful villas and cottages all over Italy it would be nice to the potential customers to undestand where they exactly are located. So linking all the villas to Google Maps it would make it easier for the customers to decide where to live during their holiday in Italy. They could easily see which big cities or other places of interest can be found nearby and if there are some other services such as supermarkets in the area. So it's all about making the decision-making easier. Many travelers use also Google Earth and especially the Street View function to see how the city or village looks like in reality.

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